Sunday, February 8, 2009

Modern Day Partridge Family

so, James got *Rock Band* for his birthday...

here are my little musicians hard at work.

the scary part is they're good at it. even wee Clara can drum pretty darned well...

and they take it so very seriously.

watch out "American Idol". i've got your next set of contestants right here...

(the sweet little feet in the bottom corner belong to Jack...Helen was *sitting this one out, Mom*)


Jackie said...

cute, cute family! They ROCK!

Renee•Candy Stick Lane said...

FAB! We love it to! we'll play for hours and not even realize! You have such a beautiful fam <3

The Trendy Tot/babycheeks said...

They are all just too cute! Love little Clara rockin' it out on the drums!