An excerpt from a Sermon to the People of Holy Cross
February 16, 2014
Matthew 5:21-37 (I heartily recommend The Message translation for this particular text)
Pray with me as we begin. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen.
“you can’t use legal cover to mask a moral failure”
Wow. Right?
This is hard stuff.
Jesus is making us really look at the law, at the 10 Commandments
to be precise. He’s really perceptive
here…he sees that what we are trying to do is prove how good we are at
following directions, but he’s also calling us out because we are invested in
following the letter of the law and not the spirit.
At the risk of embarrassing
my oldest child, I’m going to tell on him a little bit. We used to call him a “line-toer”. If ever we drew a metaphoric line for
behavior, he would stand right on it…dangling his cute little toes over the
edge…but he would never, ever cross it. “Don’t
hit your brother.” So he’d pull his
brother’s hair instead. “Stay right with
me.” And he’d walk just beyond arm’s
reach and dance around. Or maybe he’d
run to the edge of the driveway as cars were whizzing past as they turned off
Highway 90 and he’s stop mere inches short of the street. These sorts of things were usually
accompanied by a gigantic grin flashed purely for my benefit and a “what? I didn’t hit him!! or leave you or go into
the street” Let me express to those of you who have not been blessed with such
a child how incredibly infuriating it is!
Do you know how many times my 27-year-old self wanted to scream at that
beautiful child, “GROW UP!”
And to be fair, Carter isn’t
the only one who does these sorts of things.
In our house, “Feed your rabbit” does not always lead to the
distribution of food AND water. But make
no mistake, he’ll have food…don’t count on the water. In a house of 6, we’ve got plenty of
examples….and I’m guilty, too. Jesus
says, “Don’t judge”, but I get really self-righteous and ready for some good
old fashioned shaming when I see other people judging their friends and
neighbors. I know Pastor Susan shares
this sentiment, but my favorite bumper sticker says, “I hate people who hate
people.” Ugh.
When Jesus sat out there on
the Mount and talked with the people about murder and adultery and empty
promises, he was telling them and telling us that we are to look BEYOND the
letter of the law. We are NOT to be
“line-towers”. We are supposed to be
looking deeper into the meaning… behind the concise set of rules that God has
put before us, and we are to try our damnedest to be even better than God has
demanded we be. We are supposed to “go
the extra-mile” for one another. We are
to see the “do not’s” of the law and reverse them so that we are saying, we
won’t do thing terrible thing. and also,
we will do this extra thing to make it better. “We will not kill our
friends. We will not plunge a knife
between Maggie’s ribs and aim for her heart or her lungs, but more than
that…not only are we not going to kill her, we are going to see what we can do
to help her live and live happily and well!”
Not only will we not swear
or take an oath or promise falsely, we should be faithful to the words that we
use, AND we should commit to using life-giving words rather than words that
tear-down…or maybe even worse…words that ignore altogether. When we ask “how are you?” we should listen
to the answer. When we say “I’ll pray
for you.” we should actually do it…and maybe we should find some
sort of follow-up action that is helpful and restorative for our friend or for
our neighbor.
To put it bluntly, what Jesus is
saying is, “GROW UP!” You are
subjects in the kingdom of God. So live
like it. Live out your God-created
identity. Live generously and graciously
toward one another. Without judgment
toward your friends. Without throwing
each other under the bus so that you may look like the better person or so that
you may have one moment of pleasure without worrying about the other’s pain. Live toward others the way God lives toward
And do it now! Don't wait. The kingdom is coming, but also it is here. Now. Right now.
with many, many thanks to John Fairless and Delmer Chilton, aka, 2 Bubbas and a Bible for sharing their Lectionary Lab with all of us. and thanks also to Eugene Peterson for his work translating the Bible into a language we contemporary folk can better understand.